Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Learning organization's five state

State 1: the concept of organization-wide circulation, mutual recognition

LO LO structures of practical work like building blocks of the process. In LO, through storytelling style, improvisation, informal dialogue, making method, and working to implement a common development. LO provides a realistic scenario, including the cognitive domain, mental and emotional areas. In the LO in: business culture should be public, to solidarity and social order features; cross-sectoral team work, innovation and sharing barriers disappear; "hypertext" structure supporting the flow of ideas between communities of practice, mutual understanding and cooperation, stimulate innovation and multi-party mutual understanding, not pundits be dictated to.

State 2: the collective change and continuous self-improvement

In LO, the common goal of a two-way cycle of collective organizational learning (eg, organizations in the market position, organizational structure, business process changes or work experience) and employees linked to changes in learning together. LO promote staff development, therefore, and the staff continued to grow into their own development. Similarly, collective and personal growth or the relationship between the one-way loop learning is also true. As the LO output growth with the same expectations of outside shareholders, staff capacity and performance have gradually improved.

Realm 3: around every corner of the study leadership, innovation and mutual help atmosphere

LO leadership is reflected in all levels, for example, to develop strategies to expose and change the leadership of the inherent assumptions and mental models. Positions at all levels of management and supervision of leaders to create an atmosphere conducive to sharing of testing and experience, and to become a lecturer, trainer, co-learners and role models.

State 4: to encourage a free dialogue of multiple perspectives

In LO, the scope of the dialogue can be self-contemplation in the depth of questions can also be a "Corridor Conference" ("Corridor" means without regard to seniority and superior-subordinate relationship, sharing useful knowledge, experience and observations, and ideas ). LO receive multiple concepts, through dialogue and debate to find creative ways to solve problems, not just to endure the program. Members can criticize policy without fear of reprisal. If the formation of shared mental models, everything will seem very natural, not imposed.

State 5: changing the professional contract

Psychological contract refers to the individual and collective level, on the trading relationship between employee and employer expectations and obligations of duty. On the individual, the psychological contract is a person of his or her transactions with others in terms of the trust relationship. The collective level, the psychological contract on behalf of the standard employment relations, from the mid-eighties of last century, this standard emphasizes usability, tools, and through "free agency" conversion transaction, rather than security, continuity, loyalty and dependency. LO seek to establish long-term relationship or "varied" career contract as a third way to choose to support the continued personal growth and capacity building, and employees to consider the affordability of flexibility and adaptability.

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